Tetrix tuerki
Occurrence data are not public due to conservation reasons.
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For a publication, please cite as follows:
Krištín A. (ed.): Tetrix tuerki. Orthoptera of Slovakia. http://orthoptera.sk/ [accession date]
This stenotopic species inhabits and indicates sparsely vegetated bare gravel fields along the banks of fast-flowing white waters, mostly in mountain basins between 300 and 1200 m asl. A certain amount of interspersed fine-grained substrate like sand and clay within its habitats seems to be important as well, especially for the deposition of eggs.
In its remaining refuges in Slovakia, it is the rarest groundhopper species with very fragmented distribution in mountains of N Slovakia. Particular sites are well populated till now, but more data are needed.
Occurrence of adults
Red List category and criteria in Slovakia